Step 3a: Loading ACT assessments

Step 3a: Loading ACT assessments

Prior to the 2020-2021 school year, ACT provided data in fixed-width format on CDs. In the fall of 2020, ACT began to provide CSV files via their website. Because districts might have ACT files that are in both CSV and fixed-width format, the assessment loader has been developed to handle both types of files.

For CSV files: Upload CSV files on the upper left side of the page in the “ACT file data upload” section (see screenshot below).

For fixed-width files:

  • Upload fixed-width files on the upper left side of the page in the “ACT file data upload” section (see screenshot below).

  • If data errors occur, you have two options:

    • Modify the fixed-width file and reload it in the “ACT file data upload” section.

    • As an alternative, you can also download a CSV version of the file ( via the “ACT Download CSV…” section on the upper right side of the page), modify the CSV file, and then reload it on the upper left side of the page in the “ACT file data upload” section.


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