Troubleshooting guide

Troubleshooting guide

Common errors that are encountered while uploading assessments are listed below, together with potential solutions. This troubleshooting table will be expanded over time.

Request help if the issue you are experiencing is not listed below and you need additional assistance.


Potential solution


Potential solution

Error related to file name (e.g., invalid assessment type or invalid district id).

View file formatting page for file naming conventions.

Zero matching student records found in ODS for file.

Make sure that the students who are listed in the assessment file are students who are currently active so they will match the students in your student information system.

File header format error

View the text and CSV files on the file formatting page for the required format for each assessment type.

Error that includes the following text: “PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small”

  • Check for spaces in the file name.

  • If there are spaces, remove them and then reload the file.

  • If this solution doesn’t work, please submit a help desk ticket.

Student mismatch errors

  • Remove inactive students from assessment file.

  • Make sure that students' names and dates of birth match the names and dates of birth in the student information system.

    • Some errors are associated with dual last names or hyphenated last names.

    • Other errors occur with generational designation suffixes like "Sr.", "Jr.", "II", "III", etc.

Error message indicating “cannot insert NULL”

  • Because an assessment score is matched with a student by using the student’s first name, last name, and date of birth, these fields MUST be populated accurately in the assessment file.

  • For rows with missing data, either add in the missing information or delete the rows, rename the file (e.g., file_name_v2), and reload it.

  • If this solution doesn’t work, please submit a help desk ticket.

File upload error

  • Check the file to make sure that all of the characters in the score columns are numbers. The file will not load if characters other than numbers appear in those columns.

  • For TSIA2 files, essay scores cannot be zero. If there is a zero, delete it so the cell is empty.

  • If removing the non-numeric characters and reloading the file doesn’t work, please submit a help desk ticket.

File does not show up on import status screen.

  • If you need to update a file and reload it, you must change the name of the file (e.g., file_name_v2) because the system will not allow you to upload the same file twice.

  • Files will also not show up if zero students matched.

  • If renaming the file doesn’t work, please submit a help desk ticket.

Assessment data that loaded successfully is not appearing on the CCMR Insights dashboard.

  • For files loaded between December 2020 and April 2021, the assessment loader was only reading scores for students if their date of birth had eight digits (MM/DD/YYYY). If a month or date did not include a leading zero (e.g., 4/8 instead of 04/08), the scores for those students were not imported. That bug was fixed in April 2021. However, any assessment files that were loaded before April 2021 will have to be reloaded if the dates of births did not include leading zeros. Remember to change the name of the file (e.g., file_name_v2), reload the file, wait for the nightly refresh to complete, and then check the CCMR Insights dashboard the next day.

  • If the data does not appear on the CCMR Insights dashboard after following these steps, please submit a help desk ticket.

Red error message on import status screen

  • Excel sometimes makes changes in the background when you edit CSV files in Excel. When uploading files, you will still receive a green success indicator on the assessment loader page even if Excel has made changes that will cause the file to fail. However, on the import status screen, you will get a red fail message.

  • If the file is an ACT or AP file, see the two rows below.

  • If the file is not an ACT or AP file, please submit a help desk ticket.

Red error message on import status screen

  • For ACT files only: Try to change the date format in the “test date” column to a date category with format type “Mar-12,” change the name of the file (e.g., file_name_v2), and then reload the file.

  • If this doesn’t work, please submit a help desk ticket.

Red error message on import status screen

  • For AP files only: Try to change the date format in the “date of birth” column to “text,” change the name of the file (e.g., file_name_v2), and then reload the file.

  • If this doesn’t work, please submit a help desk ticket.

TSI-A (1.0) or TSIA2 data is not appearing on the CCMR Insights dashboard.

  • For TSI-A (1.0) or TSIA2 files only: For files loaded between December 2020 and May 2021, the assessment loader was only reading one row of data if scores for the same student (on the same test date) appeared in multiple rows (e.g., math score in one row and ELAR score in another row). That bug was fixed in May 2021. However, TSI-A (1.0) assessment files that were loaded before May 2021 will have to be reloaded if those files contained multiple rows for the same student on the same test date. Remember to change the name of the file (e.g., file_name_v2), reload the file, wait for the nightly refresh to complete, and then check the CCMR Insights dashboard the next day.

  • If scores for the same student (on the same test date) appeared in multiple files, those scores will need to be consolidated into one file. After consolidating the data into one file, change the name of the file (e.g., file_name_v2), reload the file, wait for the nightly refresh to complete, and then check the CCMR Insights dashboard the next day.

  • If the data does not appear on the CCMR Insights dashboard after following these steps, please submit a help desk ticket.

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