Understanding CCMR
Learn more about CCMR indicators in the A-F accountability system and the criteria to qualify for HB 3 CCMR Outcomes Bonuses.
View TEA graphic that outlines the similarities and differences between CCMR indicators in the A-F accountability system and the criteria to qualify for HB3 CCMR Outcomes Bonuses.
Review the data sources that are used for the CCMR indicators.
View important CCMR-related announcements, resources, and guidance from TEA on our Related Resources page.
Consider how to reduce equity gaps with CCMR-related outcomes and in access to advanced academics courses.
College Ready
Meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Criteria
Student met the TSI criteria in BOTH math and ELA/reading on the TSI-A, SAT, ACT, OR by earning credit for a college preparation course. Students may meet the TSI criteria for math and ELA/reading on different assessments (e.g., TSI-A for ELA/reading and SAT for math).
Meet criteria on AP or IB exam
Student earned a score of 3 or more for an AP examination or 4 or more for an IB examination.
Qualify for OnRamps course credits
Student completed an OnRamps course and qualified for at least three hours of university or college credit in any subject area.
Earn dual credits or an associate degree
Student earned at least three credit hours in ELA OR mathematics OR at least nine credit hours in any subject taken.
Student earned an associate degree by August 31 immediately
following high school graduation.
Career ready
Earn an industry-based certification or a Level I or II certificate
Student earned an approved industry-based certification.
Student earned a Level I or Level II certificate in any workforce education area.
Military ready
Military ready graduates are students who enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces or the Texas National Guard.
Options for students with disabilities
Graduate with completed IEP and workforce readiness skills.
Graduate under an advanced diploma plan.