Texas Success Initiative

Texas Success Initiative

The purpose of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) program is to determine whether students are prepared for credit-bearing, college-level courses.

Resources from TEA




College Prep Courses/Texas College Bridge

Strategies to improve TSI-met outcomes

In November 2020, the North Texas CCMR Network for School Improvement convening focused on increasing TSI success for all students. Presentations from two North Texas districts--Garland ISD and Richardson ISD--appear below.

Garland ISD shared how to use (P)SAT reports to inform instruction and curriculum changes, embed (P)SAT activities into the curriculum, create a TEKS alignment document for college assessments, and provide professional development to build internal capacity and college assessment expertise (view slide deck).

Richardson ISD described how their secondary math team is aligning their curriculum to the ACT. Hear about the lessons they learned along the way as they worked towards embedding ACT formatted activities into the curriculum, connecting score targets to the skills that need to be mastered, and identifying where ACT skills should be taught in the curriculum (view slide deck and ACT’s math curriculum review worksheets).


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