A-F Prediction/Progress
To determine where you are in meeting the A-F CCMR accountability measures, simply look at the percentage in the upper left corner of the main dashboard. This tells you the percent of the senior class that met at least one A-F indicator. Students with no A-F indicator are highlighted in red; if you click on the number, the list of students will appear that can be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet. You can also click on the number of students who met criteria to see the list of those students. Scroll down the screen to see how students are performing in each A-F indicator area.
Campus and District Views
The upper, top left of the screen has a toggle where you can select “All Schools” or select a high school campus. This allows you to disaggregate the data by campus and district. This will allow you to see progress by campus so that gaps can be identified and to ensure each school is meeting district goals for CCMR.
TSI Progress & Interventions
Since TSI is a criterion for A-F accountability and to meet HB3/CCMR expectations for “college ready” and “career ready”, monitoring student progress for meeting TSI through ACT, SAT, and/or TSIA is important. Click on the “CCMR A-F View” and scroll to the TSI Met section. You will see your students’ performance in meeting TSI for each college assessment, as well as, College Prep courses. Student performance is color coded based on the following:
Blue = the % of students who met criteria
Yellow = the % of students who nearly met the criteria (within 10% of target)
Red = the % of students who didn’t meet criteria
Grey = % of students that do not have data for this field
Click on any TSI Met bar to view the list of students who either met or didn’t meet criteria (based on the color you click on). Selecting the “Nearly Met” on the ACT English bar will provide a list of the students who are close to meeting the TSI criteria for that content area. Selecting “Didn’t Meet” will show all students who didn’t meet criteria for that exam/content area, including the nearly met students.
Best practice tip: Use the “Nearly Met” list of students and “Didn’t Met” list to apply interventions based on student needs.
For example, students who are close to meeting criteria may benefit from a quick intervention such as a one-week boot camp. Students who are further from the college readiness benchmark may benefit from a longer-term intervention such as the College Prep course(s). When determining interventions, create lists based on Reading/Writing only, Math only, and both. Make sure someone is assigned to pull this data and create a schedule for when the data will be pulled. Create a calendar for when college assessments will be given, when the results will be posted and imported into the CCMR Insights dashboard, and when the new data will be analyzed.