Presentation from ESC 10: Sandye Cox (March 2021); make sure this is most recent version
Graduate Under an advanced diploma plan (not degree)
Texas Education Code §28.025 (c-7) and 19 Texas Administrative Code 89.1070 (c): Allows a student who receives special education services to earn an endorsement if s/he successfully completes--with or without modification--the curriculum requirements for the Foundation High School Program and the curriculum requirements for the endorsement. In addition:
If the curriculum was modified, the student’s ARD committee must determine if the modified curriculum was sufficiently rigorous.
The student must pass the required end-of-course assessments unless the student’s ARD committee determines that is not necessary.
see responses from Performance Reporting, include table I created?
Texas e FHSP, including additional credits in math, science, electives, and the
courses required for the endorsement with or without modifications to the curriculum, to earn an endorsement.
sufficiently rigorous
Rule TAC
Transition services