View the descriptions of supplementary tools below that were designed to help you maximize the effectiveness of the CCMR Insights tool in your district. Additional tools will be developed in 2021.

Student success planning tool

Counselors can use the student success planning tool to create action plans for individual students. The goal of using the tool is to map out multiple pathways that students can take to earn at least one CCMR A-F point and to prepare them for success on the postsecondary pathway(s) of their choice.

partial screen capture showing the student list view

Tool: trends and equity gaps

Campus and district leaders can use a CCMR Indicators template and a modified version of the TEA CCMR board goals template to document historical CCMR data and CCMR Outcomes Bonus data. These tools will also generate charts that highlight equity gaps and surface opportunities to expand programs related to particular CCMR indicators.

Success rates tool

Campus and district leaders can use the success rates tool to view the proportion of students who have met TSI on each of the eight methods to meet TSI (see “percent of class” graph below). Leaders can also view student success rates on each method (see “percent success” graph below).