Student success planning tool
Counselors can use this the student success planning tool to create action plans for individual students. The goal of using the tool is to map out multiple pathways that students can take to earn at least one CCMR A-F point and to prepare them for success on the postsecondary pathway(s) of their choice.
Every column header has either a text or dropdown search feature, depending on whether the field has a pre-determined set of values (such as student level) or is more unique, such as student name or ID. Simply select a value, or start typing to filter the list. Filters can be applied across multiple columns. Click on “Reset Filters” to go back to the filter you started from. Also, the small up and down arrows in each field heading can be used to sort the data by ascending or descending values of that column.
Use the column header filters on the student view page in CCMR Insights to identify students who: (1) have zero A-F points; (2) are not TSI-met; and (3) who are classified as “approaching” on one or more TSI assessments.
To facilitate analysis with large groups of students, note that you can export the list on the student view page to Excel-compatible CSV (comma-separated values) format by clicking the “Export as CSV” button at the bottom right.
For the selected students, use the student success planning tool to create two or more personalized action plans. When you create the goal for each action plan, outline the steps that should be followed to attain that goal and the timeline for completing each step.
Tool: trends and equity gaps