The table below outlines several questions that districts you might explore when collecting data about their your district’s CCMR programs. Ideally, the district would you will be able to gather data from multiple sources (quantitative outcome data, interviews, focus group, documents related to CCMR programs, etc.) and then triangulate that information to ensure that a variety of sources corroborated the corroborate your findings. Depending on the your district’s needs and the resources available, the district you may choose to focus on one or two questions or you may engage in a comprehensive inquiry that addresses all of the questions listed below. In a similar manner, for each question, the district you may choose to gather information from one data source or draw upon multiple data sources.
Table 1. Questions and data sources to consider during data collection phase.
Question | Review extant data (quantitative) | Document review (qualitative) | Interviews/focus groups |
Describe the district’s longitudinal performance on CCMR outcomes. | X |
Describe the CCMR landscape in the district (programs, district/campus roles, board goals, district vision, etc.). |
| X | X |
What resources are available to support CCMR programs (internal and external)? |
| X | X |
What strengths/assets can the district build upon? | X | X | X |
What barriers might stand in the way of improving CCMR outcomes in the district? |
| X | X |