Step 2. Participate in kick-off meeting and sign MOU with ESC. During the kick-off meeting, we will discuss the technical steps in the implementation process, training for your end users, the timeline, and the roles and responsibilities for your district team. We suggest that people in the following roles attend the kick-off meeting:
Superintendent or designee
CCMR Director
Technology Director
Assessment/Accountability Director
Other leaders in your district who should be part of the decision-making process
Step 3. Develop district implementation plan, which should include the following:
Establish CCMR leadership team to oversee implementation.
Create district timeline for implementation.
will include training end users, monitoring the data upload calendar, analyzing the data, and
Step 4: Via the Ed-Fi connector, load data from your student information system into your district’s CCMR Insights dashboard. The ESC 10 team will assist with this step.
Step 8: Implement your district implementation plan , which will include training end users, monitoring the data upload calendar, analyzing the data, and using that data and start using data from CCMR Insights to improve CCMR outcomes in your district.