The purpose of the CCMR Assessment File Data Loader web application is to allow data stewards at the district level to upload ACT, AP, IB, SAT and TSI assessment data into their district's CCMR Insights dashboard using a simple, intuitive interface which provides loading and error statistics for the end user.
4.) Following the above steps will bring you to the Home page of the CCMR Assessment File Data Loader
Overview of the Home Page
Information and assistance with the CCMR Assessment File Data Loader can be found here.
1.) Be sure to read the Important Notice section.
2.) A link to this user guide is found in the Help sections along with a link to open a support ticket.
The process of getting the assessment data into the ODS is a two-step process. First, the assessment data is uploaded to an a staging database for preprocessing and a file is generatedfor the generation of an import file. Then the assessment data within the import file is imported into the ODS for the district to eventually view via the CCMR Insights Dashboard. The
It is worthy to note that the assessment import to the ODS (and its status which can be viewed via the Import Status page) can be viewed 5 minutes after the assessment data has been uploaded, but the assessment data will only be visible to the district on the district dashboard district’s CCMR Insights Dashboard after the nightly refresh has been completed.
NOTE: All assessment files must follow the format districtId_assessmentType_xxxxxxx.yyywhere:
districtId is the 6-digit district id or CDN
assessmentType is ACT, AP, IB, SAT or TSI
xxxxxxx is any description you want (not to exceed 50 characters)
yyy is the file type extension which should be .csv for AP, IB, SAT or TSI files and .txtfor ACT files
All of the above components (except the file extension) are separated by an underscore ( _ ).
Also, there should be no spacesin the file name,
Failure to comply with the file naming standard will result in the file not being uploaded and one of the following errors being generated:
2.) The next section (see below) contains any records in the file(s) that were uploaded where no student id could be found in the ODS. All student assessment records are matched with an associated student record in the ODS by using the student’s first name, last name and date of birth. If a match fails for a student ,then a “student id mismatch” occurs and the student's first name, last name and date of birth, along with the associated assessment file that contains the student’s assessment data, will appear in this section. The Clear button on the upper-right can be used to clear/reset the records in this section. There is also an action (see Actions button) to download the contents of this section to a .csv file on your local system. Also, you can search for a student by name or search for a filename using the search feature (see Student or File Name button).
A totally successful import will appear in green while import with errors will appear in red.
A Refresh button exists (top-right) so that the page can be manually updated to show the latest status.