Tip |
In n addition to following the file naming and file formatting conventions described below, scan files for any issues that might prevent a file from loading correctly (e.g., letters in field for date of birth). |
The file naming convention is districtId_assessmentType_xxxxxxx.yyywhere:
districtId is the 6-digit district id or CDN
assessmentType is ACT, AP, IB, SAT, TSI, or TSI2
xxxxxxx is any description you would like to add (not to exceed 50 characters)
yyy is the file type extension, which should be .csv
All of the above components (except the file extension) are separated by an underscore ( _ ).
Example: 723406_TSI2_March2021.csv.
Note: There should be no spacesin the file name.
Note: If you need to update a file and reload it, you must change the name of the file (e.g., file_name_v2) because the system will not allow you to upload the same file twice.