Presentation from ESC 10: Sandye Cox (March 2021); make sure this is most recent version
Graduate Under an advanced diploma plan (not degree)
Texas Education Code §28.025 (c-7) and 19 Texas Administrative Code 89.1070 (c): Allows a student who receives special education services to earn an endorsement if s/he successfully completes--with or without modification--the curriculum requirements for the Foundation High School Program and the curriculum requirements for the endorsement. In addition:
If the curriculum was modified, the student’s ARD committee must determine if the modified curriculum was sufficiently rigorous.
The student must pass the required end-of-course assessments unless the student’s ARD committee determines that is not necessary.
see responses from Performance Reporting, include table I created?
Texas e FHSP, including additional credits in math, science, electives, and the
courses required for the endorsement with or without modifications to the curriculum, to earn an endorsement.
sufficiently rigorous
Rule TAC